Rethinking design processes for inclusion -
Strategy 1 – Considering Digital Design Marginalization (DDM)
To learn more about Digital Design Marginalization:
Sin, J., L. Franz, R., Munteanu, C. and Barbosa Neves, B. (2021). Digital Design Marginalization: New Perspectives on Designing Inclusive Interfaces. In Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ‘21). ACM. [ official version ] [ authors’ copy ]
Papers on the projects mentioned in the talk:
Neves, B. B., Franz, R. L., Munteanu, C., & Baecker, R. (2018). Adoption and feasibility of a communication app to enhance social connectedness amongst frail institutionalized oldest old: an embedded case study. Information, Communication & Society, 21(11), 1681-1699. [ official version ]
Franz, R. L., Wobbrock, J. O., Cheng, Y., & Findlater, L. (2019, October). Perception and adoption of mobile accessibility features by older adults experiencing ability changes. In Proceedings of the 21st International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility. [ official version ]
Papers by others mentioned in the talk (slide 18):
Bolesnikov, A., Cochrane, K. A., & Girouard, A. (2023, April). Wearable Identities: Understanding Wearables’ Potential for Supporting the Expression of Queer Identities. In Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. [ official version ]
Dove, G., Fernando, A., Hertz, K., Kim, J., Rizzo, J. R., Seiple, W. H., & Nov, O. (2022). Digital Technologies in Orientation and Mobility Instruction for People Who are Blind or Have Low Vision. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 6(CSCW2). [ official version ]
Chaka, C. (2022). Digital marginalization, data marginalization, and algorithmic exclusions: a critical southern decolonial approach to datafication, algorithms, and digital citizenship from the Souths. Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society, 18(3), 83-95. [ official version ]
Strategy 2 – Applying a Sociotechnical Lens to Our Own Research
…by using sociotechnical themes:
STEP 1. Determine a set of themes
Sin, J., Munteanu, C., Ramanand, N., & Tan, Y.R. (2021). VUI Influencers: How the Media Portrays Voice User Interfaces for Older Adults. In Proceedings of the 3rd ACM In-cooperation International Conference on Conversational User Interfaces (CUI ‘21). [ official version ] [ authors’ copy ]
STEP 2. Apply them to our own research
Sin, J., Chen, D., Threatt J. G., Gorham, A., Munteanu, C. (2022). Does Alexa Live Up to the Hype? Contrasting Expectations from Mass Media Narratives and Older Adults' Hands-on Experiences of Voice Interfaces. In Proceedings of the 4th ACM In-cooperation International Conference on Conversational User Interfaces (CUI ‘22). [ official version ] [ author’s copy ]
Comparing sociotechnical themes to academic knowledge (slides 33-34):
Sin, J., Munteanu, C, Chen, D., Threatt J. G.. (2022). Avoiding Mixed Messages: Research-based Fact-checking the Media Portrayals of Voice User Interfaces for Older Adults. Human–Computer Interaction. Taylor & Francis. [ official version ] [ authors’ copy ]
Strategy 3 – Seeking Sociotechnical Perspectives
From design education (slide 38-39):
Sin, J., Munteanu, C., Nixon, M., Pandeliev, V., Tigwell, G., Shinohara, K., Tang, A. and Szigeti, S. (2022). Uncovering Inclusivity Gaps in Design Pedagogy through the Digital Design Marginalization Framework. Frontiers in Computer Science, p.91. [ official version ] [ authors’ copy ]